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Pritlikavemu dečku, ki je bil žrtev nasilja, v bran stopila sestra! Njena podoba je daleč od tega, kar so si predstavljali

20-letnica je prava paša za oči in pravijo, da je njegovo stisko uporabila za svojo slavo
Ključne besede: deček, sestra, nasilje, žrtev, model, stiska
Se spomniš 9-letnega dečka Quadena Baylesa iz Avstralije, ki je zaradi svojega videza postal žrtev medvrstniškega nasilja? Rodil se je z ahondroplazijo, boleznijo, ki povzroča pritlikavost in je najpogostejša napaka v razvoju, zaradi česar je bil tarča svojih vrstnikov. Njegov posnetek, kjer ves objokan pravi, da se bo ubil in da je žalosten, ker se norčujejo iz njega, je naletel na izjemen odziv, ljudje pa so zanj celo začeli zbirati denar. Sprožil je celo serijo dogodkov, ki so mu spremenili življenje.  View this post on Instagram So today we are returning back to Brisbane. Feeling quiet sad to leave my family who looked after us and gave us the healing my little brother @quaden_the_kid and family ever so needed ?? The special bond and love my family and I have developed with the Cole family will last a lifetime and into the next. Big thanks to the @balunufoundation and the Gary Dhurrkay foundation for this life changing trip of a lifetime. There seriously is just no words that could describe how much stronger and more connected we feel as a family, but also individually. The fact that my beautiful little brother wanted to connect with his Yonglu family, travelling to different communities and learning more culture, instead of going to Disney Land just goes to show how resilient and deadly he truly is. I haven’t seen my brother this happy and content for so long and really glowing and opening up the way that he has during this trip. For that I am forever grateful just to see my family happy, free and forever healing. This is not goodbye, but see you again soon beautiful people and country ?? You will be in our hearts forever ? Yalala ?????? A post shared by Guyala Bayles (@guyala_lala) on Oct 2, 2020 at 6:47pm PDT Po srceparajočem posnetku, ki ga je na družbenem omrežju objavila njegova mama, so mu v bran stopili številni ljudje, med drugim tudi številni hollywoodski zvezdniki. Javila pa se je tudi njegova starejša sestra, 20-letna Guyala Bayles, dolgoletna aktivistka in borka za pravice Aboridžinov, avstralskih staroselcev. Zavzela se je za svojega brata in mu stopila v bran. Bolj kot to, da je borka za pravice, pa je javnost navdušila s svojo podobo. Moški so dejali, da je prava paša za oči, medtem, ko so ženske rekle, da je bratovo stisko izkoristila za to, da je postala ''slavna''. Na račun svoje lepote in tega, da je dobrosrčna, je čez noč prejela ogromno sledilcev. ''Je*eš nasilneže in sovražnike! Ti si najboljši, najpametnejši, najmočnejši in najbolj prisrčen otrok, kar jih poznam. Nisi sam, moj bratec – vsi smo tu zate,'' je na Instagramu zapisala Guyala.Poglej si še nekaj njenih zapeljivih fotografij: View this post on Instagram Had to get some vitamin sea before lockdown ???? #corona#virus#can#go#fck#itself#stay#healthy#and#safe#australia A post shared by Guyala Bayles (@guyala_lala) on Mar 23, 2020 at 2:24am PDT View this post on Instagram The greatest thing about being in isolation is that you have no choice but to focus on your mental and physical well being! I absolutely love the person I’m growing and forming into! Never too late to start working on yourself ?? #there#is#noexcuses#in#isolation#love#yourself#unconditionally#and#never#give#up#on#you A post shared by Guyala Bayles (@guyala_lala) on Apr 23, 2020 at 2:17am PDT View this post on Instagram Another successful day full of culture, learning, connecting, reviving, talking and coming together as a community, making us strong and whole again. Watching these young fullas so eager to learn their culture, makes me want to cry tears of joy, can definitely feel our ancestors and old fullas with us! ?????? #happy#deadly#culture#heals#love#strong#aboriginal#instagood#melanin#woman#proud A post shared by Guyala Bayles (@guyala_lala) on Apr 14, 2019 at 2:01am PDT