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''Partner me celih 6 let ni videl gole! Bojim se, da bi me zapustil, če bi videl, kaj skrivam pod obleko''

Dolgo se je sramovala telesa, zdaj je naredila temu konec
Ključne besede: mama, telo, otroci, golota, skrivanje, mož, partner, trebuh
31-letna Jessica Hood, mama štirih otrok na Instagramu redno objavlja fotografije, kako je videti njen dan na porodniški, kako preživlja dneve z otroki in kaj počne kot polno zaposlena mama. Svoje sledilce ozavešča o tem, kako pomembno je, da se v svoji koži počutiš dobro in da se tvoje življenje ne vrti le okoli kilogramov in dietah. ''Vem, da nisem videti kot tipična influencerka, moje telo ni popolno in je polno brazgotin. Nikoli se nisem počutila vitko in velikokrat mislila, da če ne bom shujšala, da ne bom sprejeta'' je dejala in povedala, da se danes v svoji koži počuti odlično, čeprav njeno telo še zdaleč ni takšno kot ga imajo ostale popolne ženske na Instagramu''.Priznala pa je celo, da je partner kar 6 let ni videl gole, a se je temu odločila narediti konec.  View this post on Instagram To the woman who woke up not feeling herself today. Who weighs herself every single morning , Who hated how she looked in everything she tried on .To the one counting calories and doing intermittent fasting.To the women who will only wear baggy loose clothing and walks with her head down , The woman who cries when she looks in the mirror or the one comparing herself to the “beautiful” & “ perfect “ images on Instagram. STOP WORRYING START LIVING STOP COMPARING AND LIFT THAT HEAD HIGH GIRL! I’ve been through many different stages in my life , ones that would go from extremely low calorie diets , to exercising for hours a day and while it’s great to live a healthy lifestyle it’s also really important to have a healthy mind set.Through my years , my weight has yoyo’d and every time I would go on strict diets I was miserable and felt more insecure and NEVER good enough. My mindset changed when I had my babies. I saw my body in a different light. I appreciated it for what it was, For what it did and the strength it carried.It may look weak , wobbly and warn out but it’s strong.I want my daughters to look in the mirror and love the girl, the woman staring back at them.I never want them to doubt themselves or feel they need to change. I wanna my sons to love a women no matter her size and to see beauty is deep. I’ve been doing this Instagram thing for a while now. I know I don’t look like your typical “ influencer “ I’m not always candid and my life is a mess.My body is a size 16 , it’s flawed , full of battle scars and victories . I have never felt like I fit in , I use to think if I don’t change then i won’t ever be accepted .That’s when I realise that something needs to change and it’s not me. I’ll continue to always be who I am , not a “real” women but a relatable one.One that will remind you that your body is YOUR body and it’s beautiful just as it is. No matter your size or what your goals are , so lets see more of this on our screens and less of the over airbrushed unrealistic ones. everyone has flaws . I just choose to not cover them up. I’m not ashamed,nor will I ever be ashamed. I’m a mother of 4. I’m not my body. You’re not your body. its ok to be YOU! ♥? A post shared by JESSICA | HOUSEOFHOODS_ (@houseofhoods_) on Feb 9, 2020 at 4:36am PST Za žensko, ki se danes ne počuti dobro v svoji koži, za tisto, ki se vsako jutro tehta, ki sovraži svojo podobo … Za tisto, ki šteje kalorije in nenehno hujša. Za žensko, ki nosi le široke hlače in hodi s sklonjeno glavo. Za žensko, ki ji gre na jok, ko se pogleda v ogledalo in se primerja s popolnimi slikami na Instagramu:NEHAJ SE OBREMENJEVATI  ZAČNI ŽIVETI NEHAJ SE PRIMERJATIDEKLE, POKONCI GLAVOZapisala je še, da je šla v življenju skozi razilčne faze, uživala ekstremno malo kalorij, telovadila ure in ure, ko se je potem zopet nazaj zredila in se počutila le še slabše.Bili so trenutki, ko se je v svoji koži počutila nesamozavestno, nesigurno samo vase in nikoli dovolj dobro. Njeno razmišljanje se je spremenilo, ko je rodila. Takrat je svoje telo videla v popolnoma drugačni luči in se začela ceniti takšno kot je. Rojstva otrok so jo zaznamovala in ji pustila ''sledi,'' na katere pa je ponosna in jo opominjajo na to, da je mama. ''Od trenutka, ko sem rodila prvega otroka, sem se začela skrivati pred možem. Čeprav sem mislila, da sem se znebila in se svojega telesa ne sramujem, ampak pred njim, pa se nikakor nisem mogla sleči. Strah me je bilo, da se mu bom zdela neprivlačna in me ne bo želel ...'' je svoje strahove zaupala 31-letna Jessica. View this post on Instagram Another Christmas done and dusted. Click my fingers and it’s over Always feel sad . It’s my favourite time of year! How was everyone’s Christmas? Who was the drunk one at their Christmas lunch? ?? #notmeiwish . . . . #christmas2019 #myfamilymylife #thehoodfamily #merryandbright #merrychristmasyafilthyanimal #aussiechristmas #familyfuntime A post shared by JESSICA | HOUSEOFHOODS_ (@houseofhoods_) on Dec 24, 2019 at 9:13pm PST Po štirih porodih pa se je njeno telo drastično spremenilo. Čeprav je navzven samozavestna pravi, da s seboj večkrat bije notranje boje. Hudo ji je, ker je partnerja toliko časa ''zanemarjala,'' on pa ji je kljub vsemu stal ob strani. Počasi se sprejema takšno kot je in to pokaže tudi na fotografijah. Ko enkrat spoznaš, kaj v resnici šteje in da to ni številka na tehtnici, potem je življenje lepše. ''Želim, da moji otroci ljubijo mene, kot osebo, ne glede na to koliko tehtam,'' je še dodala.  View this post on Instagram To think , that body grew 8 eyes , 4 hearts , 40 fingers and 40 toes , 4 brains and my entire world. It endured pain , the strongest pain a women can feel .it recovered internally . Externally it’s still squishy , but over time it grew on me. It became apart of who I am , its all I’ve ever known now for 6 years .It’s where my children lay there heads for comfort , when they want a be held. It mine and now own it with pride. It’s a flaw that is perfect . When my children grow up , it will still be there , reminding me of the greatest experience life has to offer , the battles I faced and the incredible journey I got to experience. It’s all I will have left to remind me of the best years of my life . I never thought I’d be that women who was comfortable in her own skin , who embraced her post baby body but everyday I wake up to 4 children who look at me and feel nothing but love and admiration , who see past what I look like and see a fun , loving person who would give them the world if she could , who see me for who I am not what I look like. So I embrace what I see now . I know longer look in the mirror and pick myself apart , I don’t dwell on the parts of me that I cannot change , I accept me as I am right in this moment. The negativity I felt towards myself no longer exists. I feel free. I am me . . . . #curvyandproud #postpartummom #dailyparenting #mumssupportingmums #loveyourself #embraceyourbody #loveyourbody A post shared by JESSICA | HOUSEOFHOODS_ (@houseofhoods_) on Oct 29, 2019 at 4:26pm PDT