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Potapljači so s ČOLNA zagledali OGROMNEGA morskega psa in storili nekaj NEOBIČAJNEGA!

Zaplavali so z njim, namesto, da bi se mu umaknili
Ključne besede: groza, strah, morski, pes, Havaji, potapljanje, potapljač, neverjetno
Skupina potapljačev se je na Havajih s čolnom odpravila proti lokaciji, kjer bi zaplavali. A še preden so jo našli, je ob obali nekaj zmotilo njihovo pozornost. Mimo njih je namreč priplaval okoli šest metrov dolg beli morski pes. Odločili so se, da zaplavajo z njim. Tako so nastali čudoviti posnetki, ki nam ponujajo nekoliko drugačen pogled na to žival, katere se vsi bojimo.   View this post on Instagram By @oceanramsey “What it’s like to lock eyes with a great white as it slowly and directly approaches me is a feeling I’ve been fortunate to experience many times before but how’s the rough toothed dolphin escort too ???????? I can’t say enough about the importance of sharks for healthy marine ecosystems, for the ocean, we need sharks and yet, perhaps because of the negative and inaccurate way they are portrayed in mass media many people do not care that they are being killed at a rate of 70,000,000-100,000,000 every year! What’s worse, they are killed mostly just for #sharkfinsoup or for #sharkfishing as #sharksportfishing I would encourage you to take a look at the above hashtags and see the cruelty and waste and compare it to this reality of peaceful and respectful coexistence. #helpsavesharks #savetheocean I do not encourage people to do this. I’ve been working with sharks for over 15 years, over 30 species including white sharks all around the world. They are #apexpredatornotmonster not puppies...but this was the gentlest grandma great #whiteshark ive ever met ?????????? Deepest gratitude for my team and the incredible shot I will cherish forever @camgrantphotography Freediving this morning with @oneoceandiving #oneoceanohana @juansharks ?? @mermaid_kayleigh ?? ???? @oneoceanhawaii @waterinspired @oneoceanconservation @oneoceaneducation @oneoceanglobal @travelcoffeeandsharks @discoversharks Fins @cressi1946 #tigersharkwetsuit by @xcelwetsuits ?????? #greatwhitehawaii #divewithsharks #greatwhitesharks #oceanramsey #oneoceandiving #ocean #sharks #instagram #instagood #today #amazing #beautiful #madeofocean #teamoneocean “ A post shared by Ocean Ramsey #OceanRamsey (@oceanramsey) on Jan 16, 2019 at 1:51am PST Zanimivo je tudi, da sta samico morskega psa spremljala tudi dva delfina. Po poročanju potapljačev sta delfina okoli morskega psa igrivo plavala. Po objavi posnetka se je pri avtorjih pojavil strah, da jih bodo sedaj ostali potapljači in plavalci posnemali, samo zato, da bi se dokopali do podobnih čudovitih fotografij. Prav zato so opozorili, da to početje ni pametno. Čeprav so te živali prav tako prijazne in nenevarne, pa jih je še vedno treba spoštovati. Potrebno se je zavedati, da smo v družbi z morskim psom kljub temu hitro lahko hrana.