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Njenih LET ne more nihče UGOTOVITI, ko pa razkrije številko in trik, pa ljudje OBNEMIJO!

Avstralka ima poseben trik za ohranjanje mladostnega videza
Ključne besede: trik, videz, ohranjanje, neverjetno, sonce, voda, tuš, tuširanje, čokolada
  Manekenka Abigail O'Neill prihaja iz Avstralije in precej uspešna je na vseh lepotnih tekmovanjih. Na Instagramu ima že več kot 12 tisoč sledilcev. Hkrati pa je tudi mama trem otrokom, stara pa je 45 let. Ko ljudje izvejo za njeno starost so presenečeni in nikakor jim ni jasno, kaj počne za ohranjanje videza. View this post on Instagram Virtually 2 - 3 weeks can fix me from being a bit under par VS my best self. That’s because even at my personal worst, I maintain high superfood/raw (I do have some cooked foods also) mostly plant based diet (includes @modelchocolate - no cheat days necessary) and keep up my scrubs + hydrotherapy rituals which I’ve shared over betimes. These things help maintain you when genetics run dry (aka not enough sleep before midnight, zilch exercise, perimenopausal symptoms, stress, or simply too much work). Kickstarting my ‘Summer is Coming fitness makeover’ during the next couple of weeks. I’ll try to share some things I do as I go if you’d like? Don’t zoom in. This is unedited - I’m 44 and not at my most just wait @silverfoxmgmt ???????? Thanks @brycewegenerphotographer for the water play hope you didn’t get too wet. A post shared by ABIGAIL O’NEILL (@abigailoneill) on Nov 17, 2018 at 2:50pm PST Povedala je, da je njena skrivnost v tem, da uživa samo črno čokolado, stalno skrbi za navlaženost kože, poskrbi pa tudi, da je njen obraz izpostavljen soncu. Prisega pa še na eno stvar. Tuširanje. Ampak nenavadno tuširanje, pravi, da je pomembno, da se tušira točno 12 minut na dan. Tuširanje pa poteka najprej tri minute pod vročo vodo, nato pa 30 sekund pod mrzlo.   View this post on Instagram Another pamper sesh down in 10 minutes flat. When I was only 14 I learned the healthy art of full body scrubbing (with sea salt actually!) and I’ve done this as part of my potent beauty routine ever since. I opt for twice-thrice weekly exfoliations - excellent for mood elevation, detoxification, smooth silky healthy skin, and uplifting vibes. It’s one ritual that’s easy to incorporate (pretty much free) into your life, for life. Massage moist warm skin all over vigorously with your choice of allocated body scrub or as in this case...SAND. (I’ve shared some ideas for mineral rich scrubs in my #abisbeautybible stories, in my book there’s a raw cacao bath salts recipe you can even use, and on my website - see the basic ‘SALT GLOW’). Plunge or shower in deliciously cool water afterwards and briskly towel rub dry. Moisturise with cold pressed organic oils of your choice and perfume of essential oils you love... and PREPARE TO FEEL AMAZING. ???? Thanks for the fun snaps as forever and always @brycewegenerphotographer! ??Wearing the season before lasts swimwear (anyone else?! ??????) bare skin, just a touch of waterproof mascara (perfect for Summer) and no photoshopping, Botox, editing apps, or enhancements. Gah you have to state these things these days!! A post shared by ABIGAIL O’NEILL (@abigailoneill) on Nov 7, 2018 at 7:44pm PST